Tangie OG Strain - Smooth Cannabinoids For Vaping (Vape Pens)

Tangie OG Strain (Vape Pens)

Browse our collection of Tangie OG vapes, a smooth, delicious strain available in a variety of different brands.
2 Results

Customers Reviews

Intense high, one hundred percent! Keep in mind that your tolerance will escalate quite rapidly, so, you might have to spend more on products to achieve the same effects as before.
Price at the time was great. Delta 8 10x was better than I thought it was going to be. My first experience with D8 was with another computer that advertises a lot on a prominent social media sight was not the greatest, it wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. This Tangie OG however, WOW, was surprisingly potent.
Strong, smooth, good clarity, pain relief, anxiety relief, sleep aid when needed but best for clear daytime energy. The name fits it as it will boost creativity and productivity!!! I’m a very happy customer.

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